Pumpset Solutions offers a full range of Domestic and Industrial sewage pumps. These units can be utilized for Domestic, Municipal and industrial sewage plants. Different impeller configurations available for different applications, Vortex Impellers, Double vane Chanel impeller or pumps with a Shredder mechanism. We also offer suspension devises complete with guide rails for easy installation and maintenance.
Domestic Sewage Pumps are mainly used for draining dirty water. They are designed to pump clean or dirty water such as surface or ground water that leak into a building or to empty a greywater tank or pit. Domestic sump pumps only have to pump water, but can handle small particles sizes, usually up to approx. 35mm.
Greywater Pumps are placed in the greywater tank or pit and are used for emptying out the grey water from the tanks or pits. They can handle medium particle sizes. Grey water is usually household wastewater from your sink and basins and water that flows over from the septic into the grey water tank or pit.
Sewage cutter pumps are often used in packaged pump stations for cutting and removing domestic household effluent. A cutter pump will cut and macerate raw sewage and toilet paper only. It will not work on female sanitary products which is why they are most often used for private homes where you know what is going down the toilet.
Self-Priming Sewage pumps – Heavy duty Trash Pumps
Pumpset solutions offers a complete range of Self priming sewage pumps which can achieve a wide range of different flow rates and heads. Self-Priming Sewage pumps have the important feature of much greater volume in the pump casing. This enables the pump to re –prime in an open system. Pumps are fitted with a two vane semi open impeller and self-aligning, oil lubricated mechanical seal specifically designed for industrial service. Substantial bearings and drive shaft are enclosed in a removable oil filled rotating assembly, which can be simply removed by four bolts from the back of the pump.
The cover plate and wear plate are conveniently removable, keeping entry time to the pump casing to a minimum, without disconnecting piping. Internal components can be accessed through the cover plate opening for inspection or service. Self-priming pumps are available as basic units for replacement or existing equipment, or as a complete pump set. These pump sets can be powered by an electric motor or diesel engine, Flex-coupled or V-belt driven.
Self-priming with dependable performance makes these Pumps a sensible solution for industry and municipalities requiring little maintenance, resulting in significant savings of time and money. Standard sizes available 50mm, 80mm, 100mm, 150mm, 200mm &250mm. Designed to operate over a range of speeds, thus achieving a wide range of duty points. Offering design flexibility, simple to service and tolerant to abuse.
Properly applied and installed, they are ideally suited for industrial applications including steel, paper mills, abattoirs, mines, food and chemical processing, construction dewatering, trade waste and sewage handling.
Pumpset product range